Neil Morrison

Neil Morrison
Neil is an advocate at the Scottish Bar specialising in commercial litigation. Before calling as an advocate at Arnot Manderson Advocates, he was an experienced and well regarded lawyer who worked in the litigation teams of leading law firms and in-house with a global wind turbine company. He is currently the Course Organiser for the construction law elective on the University of Edinburgh’s DPLP course. He also tutors contract law and unjustified enrichment at the University of Edinburgh’s Law School.

Neil's upcoming events

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Navigating the Scottish Sheriff Court - Latest Practice & Procedure - Learn Live

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Confidentiality & Non-Disclosure Agreements - A Guide for Commercial Lawyers - Learn Live

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Loss of Chance Revisited - Webinar

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Prescribed & Time Barred Claims in Scotland - Update Your Knowledge - Webinar

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Confidentiality & Non-Disclosure Agreements - A Guide for Commercial Lawyers - Webinar

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